Whispers of Kitsune – The characters


Explore the world of “Whispers of Kitsune” alongside characters navigating a realm that intertwines the magic of medieval Japan with the enchantment of Middle-earth. From the heart of the Kyokurai Kingdom to the ethereal Sakura no Tani Valley, from the imposing Isamu Mountains to the mysterious Yōkai Forest, they will guide you through realms where whispers become legends.

This page gathers the main protagonists whose destinies are closely tied to the fate of their land. Each brings a distinct essence to this fantastical tapestry, depicting virtues and flaws that reflect the very essence of humanity. Their stories will captivate your heart and awaken your imagination, inviting you to become an integral part of a grand adventure where destinies are forged, legends are born, and whispers resonate through the ages.


Akihiko Shinzo: Akihiko Shinzo is an ordinary yet exceptionally skilled young blacksmith who takes center stage in the story. His keen observational skills and quick thinking make him an invaluable asset to the team. Akihiko’s humility and unwavering commitment to giving his best inspire others to follow suit. He personifies perseverance and determination in the face of adversity, injecting a touch of realism into the fantastical world.




Emi Taichi
Emi Taichi

Mia Taichi: Mia Taichi, a determined young woman, holds a pivotal role in the plot. Her sharp mind and intelligence allow her to solve many challenges. While she lacks magical abilities, her insight and dedication serve as her greatest strengths. She embodies the power of the human spirit in the face of challenges.





Ryo Akane
Kenji Akane

Kenji Akane: Kenji Akane, a principled and conviction-driven man, plays a critical role in the story. With an innate sense of justice and unwavering loyalty to his companions, he acts as the group’s moral compass. His ability to provide leadership and make tough decisions makes him indispensable in crucial moments.






Akarushii : Meet Akarushii, the esteemed mayor of the village of Yamabuki Koya, a dignified figure of around 60 years old. With an air of authority and a sense of responsibility, Akarushii oversees the well-being and harmony of the village with unwavering dedication. The weight of his years is carried with grace as he navigates the complexities of leadership, making tough decisions for the betterment of the community. Akarushii’s presence exudes a sense of history and tradition, a pillar of stability in the ever-changing landscape of Yamabuki Koya.




Elara: The river witch encountered at the beginning of the story by Mia and Akihiko, and later slain by Kurohantei.







Danami: Danami, a mysterious sorceress with an ethereal presence, resides in the heart of a pond surrounded by ancient stone ruins. Her deep emerald eyes seem to carry the secrets of countless ages. She exudes an aura of power and mysticism, a magnetic presence that simultaneously attracts and repels, much like a mirror reflecting the darker facets of human desires. Danami is known for granting wishes, but with a twisted condition: wishes can only be expressed partially, leaving her to determine the outcome. Individuals who seek her services often find themselves ensnared by their own desires, facing unexpected and potentially sinister consequences.



Kurohantei: Kurohantei, an experienced hunter. With piercing eyes and a charismatic demeanor, he is draped in an aura of shadows. Recognized for eliminating malevolent entities and monsters, Kurohantei’s enigmatic connection with occult forces adds to his mystique.






Layla : Layla, the mystical nomad, emanates an aura that is both calm and mysterious. His piercing gaze, deep as the calm waters of a lake, seems capable of reading the best kept secrets. Her dark hair frames her delicate face, and her crooked smile suggests a wisdom far beyond her appearance. She wears clothes made of light, colorful fabrics, decorated with esoteric symbols and mystical designs. Each of her gestures is imbued with natural grace, and her gentle voice resonates like a whisper of nature itself. Layla seems to be in communion with the invisible forces that surround the world, a bridge between the tangible and the invisible, a true oracle from ancient times.



Aganalion : Aganalion, a wiry, pale-faced figure, sports messy black hair and intense blue eyes, reflecting his curiosity and quest for knowledge. Dressed in dark rags, his hands marked with ink and parchment recount his esoteric explorations. His hushed voice reveals a mystery always present in his words. Her appearance, both elegant and solitary, hides a burning ambition, driven by the desire to rise above poverty. This desire pushes him to delve into the occult, leading him to dark choices and unexpected consequences.




Baravon : Baravon, an imposing figure cloaked in dark robes, exudes an aura of mystery and authority. His piercing eyes conceal well-guarded secrets, while his sly smirk hints at his cunning and calculating nature. His soft, entrancing voice can persuade gullible souls, concealing his manipulative intentions. Wrinkles mark his face, bearing witness to a life spent juggling between feigned healing and artificial divination to exploit others’ vulnerabilities. His magnetic charisma allows him to gain people’s trust, but beneath his benevolent façade lies a power-hungry man willing to do anything to achieve his goals.



Yuto: Yuto, the ingenious gnome from Gnomoria, is always seen wearing thick glasses. His satchel is filled with various tools that enable him to tackle all kinds of challenges. While he’s inventive, he can be quite clumsy at times, leading to humorous situations. This cheerful gnome was saved from the clutches of Harpies by Akihiko and his friends, solidifying their unbreakable bond of friendship.






Hayao : In the intricate tapestry of “Whispers of Kitsune,” stands Hayao, the wise and kind-hearted grandfather of Akihiko Shinzo. At the venerable age of 60, Hayao embodies the wisdom accumulated over the years. His face is adorned with a white beard that speaks of his experience and deep connection to the world’s secrets. Perpetually lost in his thoughts, Hayao observes the world with a critical and contemplative gaze. His reflective nature compels him to ponder over every aspect of life, to contemplate hidden mysteries, and to draw from his vast reservoir of knowledge to guide future generations. His role goes beyond that of a grandfather; he is a source of insight, a wellspring of reflection, and a beacon of wisdom in the journey of discovery.


Elandor : Elandor was a figure as mysterious as he was charismatic. Quite thin, it has a slender silhouette which gives it an appearance that is both graceful and imposing. His white, disheveled hair frames an elongated face, prolonged by a white beard. He wore a dark outfit, consisting of a long black velvet cape that flowed gracefully down to his leather boots. Around his neck he wore a medallion adorned with a shard of crystal, similar to the one they had discovered in the catacombs. But what is most striking about Elandor is his magnetic presence. Every gesture, every word he utters carries a natural authority, an assurance that commands respect. Elandor is more than just a mage; he is a living enigma, a man in search of esoteric knowledge, ready to face the unknown to discover the deepest secrets of the universe.


Aelfic : Lord Aelfic of Neverif is an imposing and charismatic figure, exuding an air of authority. He is adorned in a long cape of deep blue, adorned with the emblem of a golden shield embellished with a scorching sun, which trails behind him with calculated elegance. His stern face is framed by a meticulously maintained white beard, and his piercing eyes seem to scrutinize every corner of the room. His voice is deep and commanding, and he exudes an undeniable aura of authority. As a high-ranking dignitary of Frostwood Highlands, he embodies the pride and determination of his people in facing the adversities that have befallen them.



Eleonor: Eleonor is an imposing figure steeped in wisdom and experience. Located in the citadel, she is a sorceress just over forty years old, her face, marked by the years, carries fine wrinkles. Her eyes, of a deep blue, reflected a depth that had explored many horizons, a clairvoyance acquired over time. The grace of her youth lingers in the elegant curve of her features, a puzzle of elegance and maturity intertwined. Her jet-black hair is styled in a carefully maintained cascade of curls, accentuating her mysterious and powerful aura. Eleonor had been brought to Neverif from a young age following a war that pitted the Frostwood Highlands against the kingdom of Orevany. As the niece of the ruler of the defeated kingdom, she had been abducted and brought to Neverif by Aelfic’s uncle, before he displayed her as a war trophy. From a young age, Eleonor had been initiated into magic by her grandmother, a sorceress of the highest order. Her magical abilities had quickly surpassed Neverif’s expectations, and she had gained an increasingly prominent position within the city.

Rosalind : Rosalind est la femme d’Aelfic


Glendel : Grendel, one of Aelfic’s loyal lieutenants, is frequently called upon for the most delicate missions. With an imposing stature, he stands out with his tall frame and finely trimmed beard. His loyalty to his leader is unwavering, making him a devoted and determined soldier in carrying out his tasks. His impressive appearance not only conceals his physical strength but also a profound intelligence and the ability to make informed decisions when needed, making him a valuable asset to Aelfic’s team.



Gundar et Balrog :Gundar and Balrog, Aelfic’s imposing bodyguards, stand at nearly 6.5 feet tall and weigh well over 330 pounds, showcasing their sheer muscular power. Gundar has a bald head and sports a meticulously groomed brown beard, which adds to his air of stern authority. In contrast, Balrog’s long, unkempt hair and disheveled appearance seem to defy any notion of personal care. Both exude an aura of sadism, making it abundantly clear that they are not to be underestimated.


Guy :

Melinia Don SorgelMelinia Don Sorgel, the undisputed leader of Alama, sports a severe hairstyle with her jet-black hair tightly pulled into a pristine bun. This strong-willed and determined woman leaves no one indifferent. She is known for her unwavering self-confidence and ruthlessness in the realm of business. Her dedication to her community runs deep, and she is willing to go to any lengths to protect the interests of her city, even if it requires displaying unparalleled cruelty. Melinia Don Sorgel embodies both strength and determination, qualities that have forged her formidable reputation throughout the region.

Anton De Givaron : Anton De Givaron, a young man of slender build, exudes an air of elegant refinement, befitting his noble lineage. As the son of Gëlon De Givaron, the reigning sovereign of the western territories, he carries the weight of his family’s legacy and responsibilities with grace. Anton possesses a natural talent for diplomacy and often acts as an emissary, bridging connections between his kingdom and neighboring realms. His words, along with those of his father, are held in high regard, and their reliability and trustworthiness are widely respected throughout the region. Anton De Givaron stands as a beacon of honor and nobility in a world filled with intrigue and political complexities.

The Valtorak Hordes : The Valtorak Hordes, residing in the frigid territories of Frostbite, are a tribe of fierce and relentless barbarians known for their targeted attacks on poorly defended towns, aimed at plundering their valuable resources. These warriors, toughened by the rigors of the northern winters, are ruled with an iron fist by their ruthless leader, Zharok. Each warrior’s face is concealed behind a sinister mask, a protection believed to shield them from the evil eye and enhance their menacing appearance. These masks are adorned with tribal motifs, evoking the strength and cruelty of their wearers. They are usually carved from wood, sometimes inset with animal teeth or bone, adding to their wild and menacing allure.

The Valtorak Hordes have developed a formidable guerrilla tactic, swiftly moving through the frozen lands to catch their enemies off guard. Their preferred weapons include massive axes, spears, and deadly longbows. They wrap themselves in thick fur to withstand the freezing temperatures of their territory, and their bodies are adorned with tribal tattoos and scarifications, bearing witness to their status and combat achievements.

When they attack, the Valtorak Hordes are known for their ferocity and utter lack of mercy. The villages they select as targets are often reduced to ashes, and any resistance is brutally crushed. Zharok, the cruel and bloodthirsty chieftain, reigns supreme over these hordes, instilling terror among his warriors and enemies alike.

They pose a constant threat to neighboring regions, and their reputation as bloodthirsty savages continues to spread throughout the north, fueling the nightmares of local populations.

Haruki Asuka: Haruki Asuka, a brave and loyal man, brings trust and friendship to the forefront. As the village blacksmith, his cheerful attitude and contagious optimism offer comfort to the team. He’s willing to put his own needs aside to assist others, encouraging mutual support.

Kaito Shizuka: Kaito Shizuka, an enigmatic and reserved man, holds an air of mystery around him. His ability to blend into shadows and act discreetly makes him crucial for delicate missions. Though not one to easily reveal his emotions, his dedication to the group is undeniable.


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